u with Amy Yao, Magnus Tiesenhausen, Nicole Kelly Westman, Anne Eastman, Elif Saydam, Kate Newby, Alberta Rose W./Ingniq, Ian Rosen, Francesca Percival, Lilou Vidal, Kai Matsumiya, Teresa Tam, Studio for Propositional Cinema, Jesse Birch, Annie Greenfield, Jason Striemer, Eve Johnson, Nicholas Granada, Rita Mckeough, Zoe Koke, Ashes Withyman, Nour Mobarak, Darian Schoenne, and Gary uchikura
Project Spaces
Maansiksikaitsitapiitsinikssin Centre Village Mall, Lethbridge

July 9, 2022 – July 9, 2023
Images courtesy of the artist and Southern Alberta Art Gallery. Photos by Blaine Campbell and Morris Nguyen.

Exhibition Images and Videos

This page contains 131 images and 2 videos documenting this exhibition. 0 images contain text descriptions. Videos may contain author and title information.
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